Credit Recovery VS. Original Credit VS. Correspondence Courses
- Credit Recovery – Students can complete work off campus.
- Original Credit – Students MUST complete all work on campus and will receive grade points. Courses not on course chart must get pre approval through Ruby Armstrong.
- Correspondence Course – Student can do course work at home but they must take final exam on campus. Student does not receive grade points, just credit.
Health and PE Requirements
The health and P.E courses have additional activities that must be completed by all students taking the original or credit recovery version of these courses. The lab teacher should maintain record of these completed assignments at least for the duration of the school year in which the assignments are completed. We will be using GEO to fulfill these requirements.
Fitness Exercise Log (Weight of 40%)
The state requires that 50% of a physical education course must include a Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity. For this online course, this requirement will be accomplished using a Fitness Exercise Log. For at least 3 weeks (at least 5 days per week), the student must complete daily exercise which builds aerobic capacity, strength, or flexibility documented by the duration in minutes on the log. The daily exercise must continue for at least 3 weeks and total at least 720 minutes.
For 2015-16, this Fitness Log will be located within the first lesson of the Edgenuity course under “Online Content” for students to save or print. The completion score for this component must be entered by the lab teacher using the “Additional Activities” directions.
FitnessGram Assessment (No weight- required for credit)
Each student will be required to complete a FitnessGram for the school year in which Fitness credit is granted. No weight will be awarded in their average, but it is REQUIRED for credit to be received.
SASP Teachers: As of August 17th, 2015, we are working with the CIA and Technology Departments on the streamlined instructions for how the FitnessGram will be recorded. All HPE Department Heads have the rights to look up Fitness Gram results for your campus. Please have a campus coach perform the Fitness Gram test, and we will be sending instructions on who will be able to enter those results.
Online Health – Additional Activities
Health Permission Letter
Health has an additional permission letter that must be signed by a parent/guardian before the student is to start the course.
CPR Requirement:
Parenting and Paternity Awareness (p.a.p.a.) - (Combined weight of 10%)
The Attorney General of Texas requires that students taking Health also complete the p.a.p.a requirements. Where the grade weighting of these combined assignments is only 10%, all p.a.p.a. components MUST be completed before credit is awarded.
In addition to finish the Edgenuity course, every student enrolled in the Health Course has to complete the P.A.P.A requirements in order to gain the credit.
When the GEO courses is completed, follow the instructions about adding an additional activity in Edgenuity.
P.A.P.A Courses
(Contact you SASP Coordinator for the enrollment Key)
Edgenuity Essentials
Login in and Searching for Students
Creating Groups
Assign, Disable/Enable and Complete courses
Progress report
What to do when the course is complete in Edgenuity
Login in and Searching for Students
Creating Groups
Assign, Disable/Enable and Complete courses
Progress report
What to do when the course is complete in Edgenuity
- Verify completion in the student's Edgenuity Grade book.
- Print the Progress Report
- Contact SASP coordinator for completion