Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Top Internet Safety Tips for Parents

Top Internet Safety Tips for Parents

  1. Talk with your child about Internet safety as soon as he/she begins using the Internet. It is never too early to start discussing the importance of being a good digital citizen.
  2. Use age-appropriate filtering, blocking and monitoring software on all Internet-enabled devices used by your child, including laptops, wireless phones and video games.
  3. Stay involved in your child’s online world by setting limits on his/her “screen time” and monitoring who your child is communicating with online. Get to know the web sites your child is visiting and educate yourself about your child’s online activities.
  4. Review FOSI’s Internet Safety Contract with your family members and consider having all family members sign the agreement.
  5. Explain to your child that he/she should never give out personally identifiable information online. For example, your child should understand that he/she should not post detailed information about his/her whereabouts.
  6. Make sure your child knows never to meet someone they met online face-to-face without first talking with you about the situation.
  7. Tell your child to never share their passwords with anyone, including friends. 
  8. Explain the consequences of posting inappropriate material online. For example, a child’s reputation can be impacted by a status entry or an image that is shared.
  9. Monitor your child’s mobile phone usage and review text messages sent and received, including images downloaded and uploaded.
  10. Educate yourself on the latest threats facing kids online (e.g., cyberbullying, sexting, etc.) and arm yourself with information that will allow you to talk to your child about being a good digital citizen.
Information Taken from: www.fasi.org 
Picture: http://family-home-evenings.com/2013/04/internet-safety-for-children/ 

Ipad Air

Ipad Air

Thursday, October 17, 2013

FREE APP for a the Day

FREE APP for a the Day

Leave the VGA dongle at home! Project PDFs and photos directly over WiFi.
Air Projector projects PDF documents and photos wirelessly from your iPhone or iPod Touch to a browser connected on the same local network. No additional client software is required.
Just fire up Air Projector and type in the displayed URL in your web browser. Then flip through the pages or photos on your iPhone and the remote display updates automatically. Tap and hold to show a laser pointer on the remote screen.
Send PDF documents from Mail, or a third party document manager such as Dropbox, to Air Projector to present them. Works great with exported PDFs from PowerPoint or Keynote (note: transitions and animations are not stored in PDFs).
Share presentations with remote colleagues via online meeting or desktop sharing software (such as iChat).     

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How To do TPACK

ELENA by Pat Mora

Apps, Apps and more Apps

Apps, Apps and more Apps


Qwizdom TIPS

Qwizdom TIPS

The following tips have been shared by Angela Brotherton, Product Specialist for Qwizdom.

Tip One

Ask questions spontaneously and save the presentation to show later. You can use this with anything you have showing on your screen (scanned doc, web sites, movies, word doc, document camera (if its hooked to your computer), etc.)
Go to:
  1. Qwizdom Connect
  2. Programs
  3. Question Toolbar
  4. On Q5 instructor remote click the New Q and following the direction on the screen
  5. On the Q7 instructor tablet click the answer using the icons at the bottom of the tablet. In order to pose a text question look at the top of the tablet and click the Q with a yellow ? mark. Then follow the direction on the screen.
  6. When you close out the session it will ask you to rename it.
  7. You will find your activity in the content tree inside Qwizdom Connect
  8. You will also find results in the results tab and when you look at the answers you will see the question that was posed for that answer

Example of use:
When teaching the same subject multiple time a day; to have the data with all the information for reporting; reuse the next year; share with other teachers

Tip Two

Turn your PowerPoint into a Qwizdom student response activity.
  1. Open your powerpoint
  2. At the top click on the tab that says Qwizdom Actionpoint (you may need to update Qwizdom if you can’t find this tab). It is still there, it’s just called something else.
  3. Go to the PowerPoint slide you have the question on
  4. Choose the question type by clicking the arrow next to where it says “none”
  5. Choose the answer by where it says “answer” by clicking the arrow
  6. When you have all your questions and answer done, save.
  7. To start presentation you need to start it from the Qwizdom Actionpoint tab in PowerPoint. Click where it says start presentation.
  8. Advance through you powerpoint as normal and when you come to slides that you put questions and answers to they will show up on the remotes.

Tip Three

Some of you have large classes and it would be quicker to export a list from your online gradebook and import it into Qwizdom.

How to import a class list from a file:
  1. You have to save your base list (which should include at least 3 fields – 1st name, Last name and participant id) as a CSV file. If it is in Excel format go to save as; other formats, CSV
  2. Open PowerPoint
  3. Go to Qwizdom Actionpoint Tab
  4. Click on Participants Management
  5. Import CSV File
  6. Next
  7. Browse for the CSV file you saved and open it
  8. In the window that comes up with your information in it, you click on the word none and choose what you need that field to be names (ex. First name, last name, participant id)
  9. Save mapping.
  10. Click OK
  11. Finish
  12. Save this list to a folder
When you start your presentation you choose ‘Browse for Participant List’

You may have another Qwizdom activity open. You can only run one Qwizdom activity at a time. To ensure that you close down an activity always go to end session and wait for the green bar to close it down.