Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cycle Recovery Essentials 2016-17

Cycle Recovery

Cycle Recovery is the second level of intervention. This program is implemented at the end of each grading cycle for students who were not successful in the traditional classroom setting. A student who receives a failing grade for a cycle grading period is subject to all eligibility consequences, but in order to promote overall course success (credit and STAAR End-of- Course exam), the student is given an opportunity to raise the failing cycle grade to 70% using district recovery initiatives. A student is eligible for the Cycle Recovery program starting from the time a student’s failing cycle grade is submitted and ending when the next cycle has completed. For example, if a student receives a final grade lower than 70% for a six-week cycle, s/he will initiate the recovery for which content is aligned to the failed cycle. While the student continues to receive regular, ongoing instruction in that course, s/he will be assigned a designated time by campus administration to again work through the concepts not previously mastered. Once the student demonstrates mastery of the assigned concepts through the cycle recovery program, s/he will be awarded a recovered grade, not to exceed 70%, for the previously failed cycle. The course completion form will be filed in the student’s cumulative folder.

Grade recovery VS. Cycle recovery

Cycle Recovery Models

·    Who is Eligible - all classes that do not receive weighted grade points
·    Some reteach may be required
·    Material – teacher generated, possible to use work student did not do during grading cycle
·    Advantages – teacher has complete control of material being given to student

·    Who is Eligible - all Core and LOTE classes that do not receive weighted grade points
·    Option allows teachers to supplement their own material with Edgenuity curriculum to help student learning.

·    Who is Eligible – all Core and LOTE classes that do not receive weighted grade points
·    Material – Edgenuity provides the instruction, assignments, and quizzes
·    New for this Year – Courses broken down by Unit or TEKS, not by entire cycle. District teachers aligned courses.
·    Advantages – teacher can pick only what student needs to focus on. Edgenuity generates material.


Edgenuity and Combination Recovery 

Edgenuity site HERE


Failure Prevention report (campus)
Completion form HS (campus)
Completion form MS (campus)
Edgenuity Teacher Instruction Guides
Request Grade Change (Skyward)
Training Manual MS
Training Manual HS

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